Sunday, May 12, 2024
YES! You can touch an iceberg not far from Anchorage! All of our adventures in Alaska have been wonderful and much better than I could have imagined.  This particular activity came about in less than 24 hours.  I heard about it...
While I was planning my list of things to do during my trip to Anchorage, the Alyeska Tram popped up on my radar and I had to experience this attraction during my visit. Since I was traveling with my...
THIS IS ALASKA and I went there! Take a look at these awesome photos from my trip! For years I've wanted to visit the great state of Alaska. With all of its natural wonders, who doesn't want to visit Alaska???  Well,...
I had the chance to spend three days in Seattle ahead of my dream trip to Alaska.  Seattle has always been on my list of places to visit as I've grown older and especially since Grey's Anatomy came on.  It's...