Friday, May 10, 2024
I love a good quinoa salad!  You can customize this dish with your favorite veggies or whatever you happen to have on hand in the fridge. My salad usually includes all my leftover produce for the week and whatever...
Oh my, it's already time for Thanksgiving! Everyone is busy trying to figure out all the details about their turkey day. Most of the time I let someone else host and I just show up with some wine or...
  I love bell peppers!! LOVE, love, love.  I have at least two on hand at all times and they usually make their way into many a meal at my house.  This week Kroger had a great sale on all...
What did I eat during my awesome vacation in Hawaii?????  Spam Musubi Rolls!!! I know, you're saying, "She went all the way to Hawaii to eat Spam?" Not intentionally, of course. Somehow I happened upon these little rolls...